Add to your Asset Library
Written by Daniel Wright
Updated over a week ago

Add to your Asset Library

This is where you can set up all of the products and their associated assets for this brand.

You can start creating a new product by clicking here.

You can then add the product name and description, then click on the Done button, as shown below.

Alternatively, you can ask Pencil to populate this information by providing product URL, as shown below.

There are multiple ways to add new assets to your Asset library.

By clicking on the Google Drive icon, you can connect a Google account, allowing you to import assets directly from Google Drive.

By clicking here, you can select from a huge range of stock images.

Or you can upload assets directly by clicking here, as shown below.

Then you can use the dropdown boxes in the Product column to associate assets with one or more of your products.

Under each asset name you can click on the down icon to set if the asset has a background or not.

Pencil will help you manage your assets by given each asset a success prediction color which you can see next to asset name.

To customize how Pencil makes these predictions you can click here to change the Objective, Targeting, and Metric.

You can make a section of assets by clicking on the relevant selection checkboxes. Which will then allow you to add tags to each assets, associate each assets with a product or delete each assets.

If you want, you can now only see the assets associated with a product, but clicking on the relevant product select checkbox.

And by mousing over a product you can Edit it or Delete it.

Great! You have now completed this tour of the Asset library page.

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