Locate your Templates on your landing page, or by navigating to ‘Template Library’. You can filter your templates by Category or Format.
Hover over a template to use it, or click the three dots on the bottom right to edit, duplicate or delete the template, or to convert it to a video.
When you create a new Template, be sure to click ‘Save’ so it is added into your Template LIbrary.
When creating a new Template, use the panel on the left to:
Generate copy or imagery using different AI models.
Add copy, e.g. a preset headline or CTA.
Add assets; note you can also filter assets by Prediction or Type.
Add elements, e.g. buttons, stickers, shapes.
Click ‘Brand’ to add backgrounds, logos, or default looks.
When creating a new Template, use the top bar to:
Change its background.
Add a layout grid.
Use preset Safezones.
Edit an image; note, the editor tools will only appear when you click on an image.
Edit copy; note, the editor tools will only appear when you click on copy.
When creating a new Template, use the right hand panel to:
View your template in different formats.
Edit formats: click on a format to edit it.
Toggle ‘Edit all formats’; if you want to make changes to all formats in one go, turn the toggle on; if you want to make changes to a single format, turn the toggle off.
Edit Layers: adjust individual elements and/or images