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How To Copy a Course Offer

Once a Course Offer has been set up use the Copy Course Offer Wizard to create another Course Offer. Modify the new Course Offer accordingly

Heena Wilson avatar
Written by Heena Wilson
Updated over a week ago

STEP 1: Navigate to Tuple SMS > Course Offers

STEP 2: Copy Course Offer

  1. Search and then open the relevant Course Offer

  2. Click  Action and select Copy Course Offer

  3. Modify the Course Offer details: Code and description (Remember to remove the COPY OF which will appear in the copied Course Offer Code and Description); Start and end dates; Other details as required

  4. Select which porperties to copy to the New Course Offer: Copy Unit Offers

  5. Save

  6. Select Unit Offers  you want to copy

  7. Select the Unit Offer: Training Values, Dates and Checklist

  8. Save

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