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How to Delete a Unit Offer

To delete a Unit Offer it is important to also delete any Unit Enrolments attached to the Unit Offer.

Written by Andrew Carlton
Updated over a week ago

STEP 1: Navigate to Tuple SMS > Unit Offers

STEP 2: Delete Unit Offers

  1. Open the relevant Course Offer

  2. In the Left Navigation Bar, click Unit Offers

  3. On the top right click Action and Add / Edit Unit Selection

  4. A list of Units listed for the Coursewill appear – any Units already selected will be ticked

  5. To Remove Units: Untick the relevant Unit/s (see Note below)

  6. Under the list of units click Action and Confirm Unit Selection

  7. You will now receive a confirmation of the number of units deleted – click Confirm

NOTE: Any Unit Offers that have enrolments attached can not be deleted – the checkbox will be greyed out to indicate this. You will need to remove any enrolments first.

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