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How To Delete a Course Enrolment

The steps below will show you how to remove a Learner from a Course Enrolment.

Heena Wilson avatar
Written by Heena Wilson
Updated over a week ago

STEP 1: Navigate to TupleSMS > Learners

  1. Search for the relevant Learner

  2. Open the Learner’s profile

  3. In the Enrolment section of the Learner’s profile page, Click Action and Select view Unit Enrolments

STEP 2: Remove All Unit Enrolments

  1. In the Client Unit Offers Tab, Tick the first Tick box to check all Units

  2. Under the list of Units, Click Action and Select Remove

  3. Click Delete

STEP 3: Delete all other records related to the Course Enrolment

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, Under Current Course Enrolment, Click Detail

  2. On the Course Enrolment Detail page, Click Action, and Select Delete. This will trigger a Notification Pop Up with the message: Are you sure you want to delete? If yes, Click OK

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