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How To Add Staff

Details of your Organisation’s Staff, including: trainers, assessors, training managers, and administrators can be recorded in Tuple.

Heena Wilson avatar
Written by Heena Wilson
Updated over a week ago

If you haven't sent an invite to your Staff via Tuple, you can add them manually via Tuple SMS.

When a Staff member is given a Tuple Portal licence, they are automatically added to the Staff section. Only their name, mobile number and email will be added. You will need to edit the record in Tuple SMS and update their full details.

(Watch the video OR follow instructions below)

To manually add a Staff, first check to see if the Staff record already exists in Tuple SMS.  If not, use the Add New function in the Staff section.

Use the table below as a guide on what field to complete when adding a staff.

  1. Click on the Top Navigation Bar > Staff

  2. Click Search to find relevant staff

  3. or Add new

  4. Update details below accordingly

  5. Save

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