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How to Delete Staff Details
How to Delete Staff Details

Consider the following options before deleting staff records in Tuple

Heena Wilson avatar
Written by Heena Wilson
Updated over a week ago

NOTE: Before you Delete

  • We do not recommend that staff be completely deleted from your account. They can contain important information and be used as reference for past employees.

  • Is the staff member a duplicate record? You can simply merge rather than delete. 

  • You can Edit a Staff Record and untick their categories such as Trainer, Assessor, Coordinator. This way they will not appear as an option in the drop down.

STEP 1: Delete Staff Details

  1. Open the Staff record

  2. Click the Action and select Delete

  3. Update the relevant details

  4. Click Save

NOTE: If you are unable to delete the record and a message appears “Cannot delete because it is referenced” It means it is linked to a Course, Enrolment or another area within Tuple.

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