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Edit/Update Unit Enrolment Details
Heena Wilson avatar
Written by Heena Wilson
Updated over a week ago

Edit/update Unit Enrolment Details

  1. Go to relevant Learner profile

  2. Under Enrolments select Action and then View Unit Enrolments

You have two methods to update Unit Enrolments; Individually or in Bulk


  1. In the Unit row click underneath the heading Actions select the dropdown box

  2. Select Edit

  3. Update details

  4. Save

Depending on your delivery you may need to update more fields. For a more comprehensive guide on AVETMISS fields see Unit Enrolment guidelines

  • Outcome Codes. It is important to select one of the Final Outcome Codes 

  • Unit Enrolment DatesThe End Date (and Start Date if it hasn’t been updated) needs to be modified to reflect the actual end date of the Unit.

  • AVETMISS fields. Before the Learner finishes ensure that you have collected all information that will be required for reporting.

Outcome Codes and Enrolment Dates can be updated in Bulk.

  1. Select all relevant Unit Enrolments you wish to update by ticking the box on the left side

  2. Select the Action dropdown on the bottom of the page

  3. Select Update Unit Enrolment

  4. Update key fields

  5. Save

More options for other Bulk Updates

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