Code 3 – Commencing Enrolment in the Qualification or Course
Code 4 – Continuing enrolment in Qualification or Course from a previous year
Code 8 – Partial qualification such as a Short Course
STEP 1: Start Update
This specific Bulk Update Wizard is for multiple Learners across multiple Course Offers. If your Learners are contained in the same Course Offer you can simply follow the instructions for how to Bulk Update Course Enrolments.
Navigate to Tuple SMS > Learners
On the Left Naviation Bar, click Enrolment Update Wizard
Select Commencing CourseIdentifier Update
STEP 2: Select Criteria
Select the criteria of the Learners you wish to update:
The contract state
Enrolment status (press ‘CTRL’ to select multiple enrolment statuses)
Enter COR start date period (eg. if you are wishing to update students who commenced in 2013 enter 01/01/2013 – 31/12/2013)
2. Select the current CCID that you wish to update (eg. ‘3’)
3. Apply criteria
STEP 3: Apply Criteria
A list of all CourseOffers with Learner Enrolments matching your criteria will appear, select all or tick the Course Offers that you wish to update
In the Action menu below the list of CourseOffers, click Bulk Update Selected Enrolments
Tick Commencing CourseIdentifier and select the Relevant Code (eg. ‘4’)
Click Perform Update
You will receive a message stating Update performed