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Foreign Fees in SDR Export

Foreign Fees can appear in either the Course Register File (CREG) or the Student File (STUD).

Heena Wilson avatar
Written by Heena Wilson
Updated over a week ago

Foreign Fees can appear in either the Course Register File (CREG) or the Student File (STUD).  It must NOT appear in both.

Choose whether Foreign Fee appears in CREG or STUD

Report in CREG

Reporting in CREG is the recommended setting if you have a significant number of International Learners.

The following criteria must apply to your International Learners:

  • They will all be charged the same Unit Fee in the same export period

  • They are charged fees for Unit Enrolments, and there are no fees charged per Learner’s Course Enrolment

IMPORTANT NOTE: If the above criteria does not apply to you, scroll down to the learn more on Report in STUD.

Where is the value of the Foreign Fee recorded?

The value of the Foreign Fee is recorded at each Unit Offer. The CREG file take the value from the most recently delivered Unit Offer being reported. If blank, they will report as zero.

How to Report in CREG?

To report Foreign Fees in the CREG file, as Portal Administrator:

  1. Navigate to Portal > My Account

  2. Click Show settings

  3. Search for SDR Foreign Fee Reporting field

  4. Make sure that the checkbox is UNCHECKED (OFF). The Foreign Fee will report only in the CREG File and the STUD File will report blanks in the Foreign Fee Fields.

Report in STUD

If any of the following criteria apply to your International Learners, we recommend reporting them in the STUD File:

  • Different International Learners are charged different Foreign Fees for the same Unit during the same export period

  • International Learners are charged another fee for their Course Enrolment, which does not belong to any of their Unit Enrolments

  • You have very few International Learners compared with Domestic Learners

How to Report?

To report Foreign Fees in the STUD file, as Portal Administrator:

  1. Navigate to Portal > My Account

  2. Click Show settings

  3. Search for SDR Foreign Fee Reporting field

  4. Click Edit and Tick the checkbox

  5. Click Save

If this option is selected, any Foreign Fee values in the Unit Offer will be ignored by the SDR Export.

  • The total Foreign Fee value in the STUD file is the sum of the Course Enrolment Foreign Fee, plus all the Learner’s Unit Enrolments in this export period

  • Blank Foreign Fee Values will be reported as zero

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must save all Foreign Fee Values in each of the Learner’s Course Enrolment and/or Unit Enrolment.

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