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All CollectionsCompliance: New Zealand
EFTS (Equivalent Full Time Student)
EFTS (Equivalent Full Time Student)

Equivalent Full Time Student (EFTS) is a New Zealand government standard for assessing the time contribution of a Unit Enrolment.

Heena Wilson avatar
Written by Heena Wilson
Updated over a week ago

In Tuple, EFTS is collected at:

  • Unit for default value for newly created Unit Offers

  • Unit Offer for default value for newly created Unit Enrolments

  • Unit Enrolment which is the lowest level from which EFTS reporting is completed

The logic around how EFTS is calculated in Tuple

The EFTS value at the Unit Enrolment is combined with the Unit Enrolment Start, End and Withdrawal Dates to determine EFTS months across each Year.

For example:

Unit Enrolment EFTS = 0.12 | Unit Enrolment Start Date = 01/10/2018 | Unit Enrolment End Date = 31/09/2019

  • Therefore the Unit Enrolment is active over 2018 and 2019

  • As there are 12 active months, each month will have 0.12/12 = 0.01 EFTS per month

  • There will be 0.01 EFTS in 2018 for October, November and December. A total of 0.03 EFTS in 2018

  • There will be 0.01 EFTS in 2019 for January through to September inclusive. A total of 0.09 EFTS in 2019

This is calculated for every Unit Enrolment and it is reported to SDR.


Every time that one of these fields change, Tuple auto calculates the new EFTS MTHS breakdown.

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