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Here we will try to answer your most common questions about NZQA.

Written by Andrew Carlton
Updated over a week ago

How to ensure your Learners appear in the export?

 In order for a record to appear in the F23 Unit Achievement export:

- Non-DIPBUS requires:

  • Unit > Is Unit Standard is ticked

  • Unit Enrolment > End Date must not be blank or in the future

  • Unit Enrolment > NZQA Result = ‘C’, ‘CR’, ‘A’, ‘M’ or ‘E’

-DIPBUS requires:

  • Unit > Is Unit Standard is ticked

  • Unit Enrolment > End Date must not be blank or in the future

  • Unit Enrolment > NZQA Result must not be blank

  • Unit Enrolment > Result = A+, A, B+, B, C, D, E, F or P

In order for a record to appear in the QE1 Qualification Achievement export:

  • Course Enrolment > Qual Issued is ticked

  • Course Enrolment > Request Type must not be blank.  It should be:

C = Certificate request, prompts NZQA to issue a certificate for this qualification
S = Status Check only – generates a Qual-Check report
V = Verification (only applicable to approved organisations)
blank – will not export

How do I know whether to set up a separate Tuple course for SDR & NZQA?

For every different qualification code that you need to report, you need a course set up in Tuple with that code.

If your SDR qualification uses the same code as the NZQA qualification, you can use the same course for both kinds of reporting.

If the qualification codes are different, you need to create separate courses.

And the same rules apply if you want to set up a separate Tuple Unit for SDR & NZQA.

How to report differrent versions of a qualification or unit

  1. Set up a different course for each version of a qualification. When your organisation starts to deliver a new version of a qualification, set up a new course for it in Tuple. Note:  The course code should be the qualification code then a dot then the version code. For example, course code PC1234.2 will export as Qualification PC1234 Version 2

  2. Set up a different unit for each version of a unit standard. When your organisation starts to deliver a new version of a unit, set up a new unit for it in Tuple. You can copy the other unit, changing details as necessary. The unit code should be the unit standard code then a dot then the version code. For example, unit code 1234.2 will export as Unit Standard 1234 Version 2

Where are my export files? I forgot to add an email address

  • For Unit Enrolments: The email address during the export process is completely optional. You can retrieve your export files by going to Exports>NZQA Export and click on NZQA Result Export History

  • For Course Enrolments: we recommend re-running the export with an email address to retrieve the file.

I can’t upload the Export

Make sure you unzip the exported file and upload the enclosed text file. If you try to upload the zip file you will get an error: ‘couldn’t upload the file; invalid file; the file contains binary characters.’

Oops! I reported the wrong result!

You can reject the export run and update the Learner’s record.

If you wish to change a result that you have already submitted to NZQA, you will need to contact NZQA directly.

The Records are there in the export file but there is no result reported

  • For NZDIPBUS courses, ensure the Use NZQA NZDIPBUS Reporting Format flag is switched ON to trigger NZDIPBUS reporting

  • For all other courses, Ensure the Use NZQA NZDIPBUS Reporting Format flag is switched OFF as this will trigger NZDIPBUS reporting not normal NZQA reporting

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