Here we will try to answer your most common questions about NSN.

Heena Wilson avatar
Written by Heena Wilson
Updated over a week ago

I have set up a machine account, I can’t access the NSI database via Tuple

Try logging into the NSI website:

Either, with the Test account Username and Password at the Test site: https://nsicompl.nsi.govt.nz/interface/nsi_soap.wsdl
Or, with a Live account Username and Password at the Live site: https://nsi.education.govt.nz/home.aspx


YES, I can log into the NSI website with this username and password, then:

 1. In the Wisenet Portal, check that you have entered the correct value for all four fields. They are all crucial, if any one is missing/wrong the Tuple NSI interface will not provide access:

  • NSI Organisation Number (use the test number if you’re in test mode)

  • User name

  • Password

  • If you are in ‘test mode’, make sure that ‘NSI Is Test’ is ‘TRUE’ in the Tuple Portal. Else it should be ‘FALSE’

 2. If you had to change your password, remember to put the new password into the Tuple Portal settings.

NO, I cannot log into the NSI website with this username and password, then:

Make sure you use the test site link for a test user name and password, the live site link for a live user name and password. If this does not work then:

I get an error message “Can’t obtain access token from ESAA”

Your password expires in one year. So, you will be required to contact the Ministry of Education to get the status of your NSI account. Please email service.desk@education.govt.nz to obtain your new password.

If you have checked all these points and still get an error, please log a support request and we will investigate further.

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