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How To Set Up REST access for your organisation

The steps to set up REST access for your organisation differs from whether your PTE have their NSI Login Credentials or not.

Heena Wilson avatar
Written by Heena Wilson
Updated over a week ago

See steps below for each and follow instructions as required.

 1. Email the Ministry requesting access to NSI REST Interfacing (this is the web service)

Email Details below:

Subject: Request NSI Rest Access



We are setting up our organisation to use the Tuple SMS and need our NSI account to be activated to use the NSI REST Interface.

Our current details are:

TEO Provider Number: enter your details
Username: enter your details

We hope to be able to use the Tuple compliant NSI interface as soon as possible, could you please provide us with REST access.


enter your details

 2. Test before you set up your live account in Tuple

Test that the implemented NSI REST interface functions correctly by allowing data to be successfully transferred without causing either system to malfunction before commencing the live process.

 1. Modify the NSI settings in the Tuple Portal and enter the following data in the required fields:

 2. Then:

  • Navigate to Tuple > Learners

  • On the Left Navigation Bar, Click View All

  • Select a Learner to view the Learner’s Profile or Add New

  • Click Actions and Select Edit Personal Details

  • Next to the NSN Bar, Click on the Binoculars Icon to search for a Learner record by NSN or any other criteria

  • Follow the testing procedure outlined in the guide supplied to you by the Ministry, with the exception of the following which you should leave a ‘Not Applicable’ (N/A):

Merge Record Test Scripts
Create/Update Student-Provider Relationships
Change Notifications / Challenge student details

  • Send the test results to the Ministry


  • If you need to merge a record or override a code, you should use the full web interface and your personal login. In your test notes for the ministry, put: “This functionality is not part of the Tuple NSI interface”

  • Don’t be put off by their request for ‘test scripts’ – these are just questions they want you to answer using their test database, to ensure that you are following the instructions as given in the guide and other documentation

  • Set aside some time to complete the Ministry’s required testing process, which is to assure them that the ability to create student records on the national register will be used responsibly. This is a one-off process. If you have questions about it, you should contact the MoE directly on

  • When testing is completed, you’ll get a live login from the MoE to enter into your Tuple settings. If the MoE does not supply this to you, you will need to request it

 3. Set up your live account in Tuple

Once the Ministry has confirmed that the activation of the REST access has been successful:

  1. Then, navigate to Tuple > Learners

  2. On the Left Navigation Bar, Click View All

  3. Select a Learner to view the Learner’s Profile

  4. Click Actions and Select Edit Personal

  5. Next to the NSN Bar, Click on the Binoculars Icon to search for a Learner record by NSN or any other criteria

  6. Click Search

  7. Verify there are no errors displayed on screen

If you have NOT encountered any errors, you are ready to use the Tuple NSN REST Service Live.

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