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Forms (Data Types)

Introduction to creating and customizing forms according to your organization/team workflow needs.

Carolina Esses avatar
Written by Carolina Esses
Updated over 3 months ago

Data types within an item are key tools in establishing a successful work process. They hold a collection of data and important information in an organized way. By default, Tuqqi provides you with multiple different data types that can be used (article, post, poll, etc.) It is advised that you customize additional data types that will suit your work processes. Only an admin can create new data types and make changes to them.

An example of some of the default content types can be seen when you start writing in the feed:

To create data types, select 'Admin' on the left-hand side menu as shown below:

Once you are in the Admin page, select 'Inputs Settings':

The screen that opens shows you the data types already in Tuqqi, under 'Default Data Types' and the data types your organization has created, under 'Mappings.'

This screen can be used mainly for:

  1. Determining the data types that will be customized/shared in your organization

  2. Creating custom templates for your work process

Main actions performed on this screen:

  1. Controlling the data types that will be shared with the public.

  2. Building custom data types for organizing the work process

  3. The ability to choose whether anyone can edit that data type or not

To create a new data type, click the 'New Mapping' option at the bottom of the page. This will lead you to the following screen:

On this page you can customize the new data type:

  1. Select an icon for the form, this icon will be displayed for this template type when choosing which data type you want to use for an item.

  2. Write a name for the title of this data type (this can be in other languages, not just English) where it says 'Input title'

  3. On 'Description' you can write a description of what the form is / what it is used for but this is an optional field.

  4. 'Select default group' creates a data type that will be published in a certain group by default (learn more in this article)

Next, customize the additional properties of the data type by selecting the button next to each option:

  • Automatically build title - allows for the title of the form to be created automatically based on the information available in the form - you can select up to 4 fields that will make up the title at the bottom of the page.

  • Enable Files - allows members to add files to the form

  • Enable Tags - allows members to add tags to the form

  • Enable Links - allows members to add links to the form

  • Enable Publishing To Public Feed - allows for the form to be published publicly - Selecting this option will cause the form to appear as another data type that can be used in the Feed.

  • Everyone Can Edit - allows the form to be edited by all users

  • Enable Location - allows the connection of a geographical location to the item

  • Enable Due Date - allows adding a date the item will be due on

  • Is RTL (right to left)- when you export the data to a pdf, this allows you to have it appear from right to left

  • Enable Rating - allows you to set priority for items with a rating

  • Enable business ID - allows you to add a unique ID (business ID) automatically

  • Enable Contact - allows you to connect the default contact data type to the form

  • Enable Company - allows you to connect the default company data type to the form

To tailor the workflow to fit your organization, contact the Tuqqi support team.

In the following directions, you will learn how to customize a field within a data type.

  1. Click on 'Add Field'

  2. In this window, customize:

    1. Field name - write the name of the field

    2. Description - a description that will explain to members the information this field is expected to contain

    3. Icon - you can select a different icon for each field (optional)

    4. Type - choose the field type - see more below

    5. Field order - the number written here determines the position the field will be in the form (above/below). The numbers are pre-set to be in intervals of 10 so if you want to add a field in between you can write any number between the other two fields' numbers you want it to be above/below

    6. Required - you can determine if the field will be required or not. If it is on, users cannot share the form until the required fields have been filled out

    7. Condition field - allows for fields to be hidden unless a certain response is given in a previous field. It makes the appearance of some fields dependent on the answers to others. Learn more about it in this article.

Field Types:

  • Paragraph text - allows you to write a longer piece of information

  • One line text - allows you to write on one line

  • Datatype Field - allows you to connect other data types to this form

    • Ex: The datatype 'Client Inquiry' was created to hold the client inquiry information. This datatype shown has a field created that will connect the datatype 'Client Inquiry' which was previously created, to this form.

  • Simple select - allows you to customize a question with a list of choices where only one choice can be selected. Write the choices on the 'Options' line with each one separated by a semicolon (;). Ex. yes; maybe; no

    • We recommend that you use the select features so that within the group you can analyze the data easily by separating the different categories from the selection choices

  • Multichoice select - allows you to customize a question with a list of choices where more than one choice can be selected. Write the choices on the 'Options' line with each one separated by a semicolon (;).

  • Number - only allows numbers to be entered

    • Note that you can analyze the numerical data from this data type on the group's dashboard

  • Title - this creates a title separating different fields within the data type

    • You have the ability to choose if the fields under the title are shown or collapsed within the title when the form is opened.

  • Date - allows you to write a date

  • Date & time - allows you to write a date and time

  • Barcode - allows a barcode to be scanned from the mobile app so that it can be entered as a number within the field. Several barcodes can be scanned

  • Business ID - allows you to pre-assign an ID for a specific data type, thus it will be possible to update the information to the item using integration or Tuqqi Form

  • Signature - allows a signature to be added

  • Phone - allows a phone number to be added

  • Email - allows an email to be added

Title Field - Collapse/Expand Fields

In customizing data types, it is possible to display and hide fields according to their title category and thus create simplicity in the information displayed to the user. This function may assist in workflows in which there is a great deal of information that is required to be documented on the item. It limits the amount of scrolling down and searching that has to be done to find the information.

3. After customizing a field, click 'Add' in the lower right of the field page.

4. Next, decide what will appear in the preview of the item when in the Feed (optional).

a. You can select up to 4 fields from the data type to be displayed.

5. If 'Automatically build title' is enabled, you can choose with which fields the title of the form will be built based on (optional).

a. You can select up to 4 fields that will generate the title of the form.

b. This option will keep the titles more uniform

6. Go back to the top-right of the page and click 'Save Changes.'

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