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As a Marketplace Cleaner, How Do I Find Jobs?
As a Marketplace Cleaner, How Do I Find Jobs?

How to get jobs on Turno as a Marketplace cleaner.

Isa avatar
Written by Isa
Updated over a month ago

Turno offers a feature called the Turno Marketplace that allows cleaners and hosts to meet and work together. Here's how you can find new clients and job opportunities through it! ✨

Accessing the Marketplace 🌐

To connect with new customers on the Marketplace, you must apply first. If your application is approved, you can start bidding on offers.

Read more about Marketplace Applications below:

Once you are part of the Marketplace, wait until a host opens a search for new cleaners in your area. 🔎

When a search is opened within your area range, you will be notified in-app, by email, or push notifications (if you use the Turno mobile app for cleaners) about the offers available for you under the "Marketplace" section of the mobile app, or under the "Marketplace Offers" page on the website, which can be accessed here:

When you see open offers, you can place bids to let customers know how much you charge and the services you offer.

For more details on bidding, check out this article:

When there are no open offers, it means that there are no hosts looking for cleaners in the marketplace within your area. The larger the area you cover, the more offers you're likely to receive. Remember you can expand your area range or change your location in your settings to try to receive more offers. Here's how:

Set your coverage radius 💡

Turno has a specific setting that allows you to change the size of your area of action. This feature is known as "Distance Willing to Travel" and can be found in your account settings. This setting allows you to set your area of action from 5 miles/kilometers up to 50 miles/kilometers, in increments of five.

More jobs might come from covering a larger area. For more details about range and location settings, see the article below:

I have done all that, but offers are slow. Is there anything else I can do to receive more offers?

If you have finished the process to join our marketplace, and set your distance to a large radius, but you are still not getting many offers, you may need to increase your access level. This can be achieved by inviting your customers from outside of Turno to use the app with you. It is free to use Turno with your invited customers!

Your access level is affected by your activity on Turno. Whether you have invited customers, or customers from the marketplace, you can increase your access level by:

  • completing projects - this is one of the main functions of Turno, so make sure you complete projects that you have with your current customers

  • receiving reviews - your current customers who are connected with you on Turno can leave good reviews for you to help increase your access level

  • responding to customers - make sure you post bids and reply to chat messages as soon as you receive them to reduce your response time

You really only need one customer from the marketplace or from outside of the app to start making your account more active. As you increase the activity of your account, your access level will improve, and you will receive offers before other cleaners.

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