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How to Use Turno's Inventory Feature as a Host
How to Use Turno's Inventory Feature as a Host

Make the most out of Turno's inventory feature.

Isa avatar
Written by Isa
Updated over 5 months ago

The inventory is a great way to keep track of your supplies and other items after a guest checks out. ✨

Note: If you are a co-host you might not have permission to manage inventory on your account due to your main host's settings.

Setting up your inventory list 🗃️

To begin, head over to the Inventory tab on the website version of Turno or click on the button below.

To start, click to "Add an item to the Inventory". A pop up will open where you can enter details to your inventory item.

Here you can choose a tracking method for your item:

  • Precise tracking requires your teammate to report a specific number of items left.

  • Estimate tracking requires your teammate to report a level, such as high, medium, or low.

The tracking method of an item cannot be edited later. To switch from precise to estimate, create the same item again, with a different tracking method.

Once you’ve decided what kind of tracking is right for you, proceed to the next screen. Here you can add the item to all properties that require reporting it. 🏠

❗Currently, inventory cannot be disabled for individual projects, so it's only possible to enable or disable it altogether on your properties.

Next, you can set the item to report a problem when it is running low, and set the threshold to trigger a notification. 📱

Here’s what it looks like when you select Precise 🔢 tracking:

And this is the Estimate ⬆️ tracking:

If you're adding the inventory item to multiple properties, you can apply the same settings to all of them at once by clicking on "Apply to Properties".

After that, hit "Save", and the item will be added to your inventory list.

Inventory actions 👋🏻

Once you add an item to your inventory list, you will notice three icons under the Actions column in the list, next to each item:

Current state 📶

The graph icon accesses the Current State. Here you will be able to view an item's quantity in each property that it has been added to and the last time that item was reported:

Editing inventory items ✏️

The pencil icon is the Edit Item button. It allows you to edit an item's name, the properties the item is enabled on, problem reports, and thresholds to receive notifications - most of the information you entered when you added the item to your list.

The tracking method cannot be edited here. To switch from precise to estimate, create the same item again, with a different tracking method.

Removing an inventory item 🗑️

The bin icon is the Remove Item button. Clicking this one will show you on how many properties this item is listed, and prompt you to confirm that you would like to delete it.

Click the red button to confirm that you wish to remove the item, and it will be deleted from your inventory list and properties.

Your inventory per property 🏠

You can also access the inventory tab of a specific property. Here you will see what items are currently added to that property, edit the problem report threshold, see the last reported status, and set inventory problem reports from your property settings.

To do that, head over to your Properties page:

Once there, click on a property to access its settings page and navigate to the Inventory tab:

"Add items to this property" allows you to add existing items from the list you created to this property. "Create a new item" opens the menu to create a new one from this page.

The Remove button (bin icon) in this section will only remove an item from that specific property, not from your inventory list. Inventory items can only be deleted from your account on the Inventory page.

Checking inventory on your project 🧽

When your cleaner marks a project as complete and submits the inventory report for that project, you can access it from your end. To do that, head over to your Schedule or Projects List page:

Whether you prefer to use the Schedule or the List view, find the project and click on it to open its card (on Schedule, click on the project and hit the "Details" button). Here is what it will look like:

You can also locate inventory details under Checklist. Click on it to see the report that your cleaner submitted:

⚠️ Your cleaners will only be able to see your inventory items after they have started the project on their end.

Setting your projects to require inventory

As with checklists, you can set your projects to require inventory before your teammates can mark them as complete. On your Inventory page, click on "Mandatory Completion" to go to your settings page.

Then look for the setting that says "Mandatory Inventory Completion", where you can toggle the requirement to fill out inventory on your projects in order to complete them.

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