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Document Status

Your documents are sorted into different folders depending on their status.

Jeffrey Reyes avatar
Written by Jeffrey Reyes
Updated over a week ago

9 Types of Document Statuses

  1. Invites - the document is received but is not yet deemed as accepted and ready for signature

  2. Draft - the document has been prepared but has not been signed nor sent for signature yet.

  3. Out for signature - the document has been sent to the signer/s awaiting to be accepted and signed.

  4. Awaiting my signature - the account owner has already accepted the invitation to sign but has not yet signed the document

  5. Declined - The sent document for signature was declined by the signer.

  6. Cancelled - The document is cancelled by the author/sender. Only the sender can cancel a document.

  7. Archived - The document is archived by the account holder.

  8. Trash - Document is deleted. All documents sent to the Trash will be permanently deleted after 30 days.

    • Documents can only be permanently deleted when it is sent to Trash.

    • Deleting files from your folder does not delete the copy of the file from other people's folder who also has a copy of the file.

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