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Template Settings
Template Settings
Jeffrey Reyes avatar
Written by Jeffrey Reyes
Updated over a week ago

Sharing Preferences

You can choose who can access the template that you have uploaded by clicking the "Share" or "Stop sharing" button.

  • A shared template can be viewed and used by all the team members under the same business/enterprise account.

  • The author of the template can view, edit, delete, share, and unshare the document.

  • The admin/account owner can view, edit, delete, share, and unshare all the templates - both shared and not shared.

Rename a Template

  1. Click on the template you want to rename.

  2. Click on the "Rename" button.

  3. A rename template dialogue box will appear. Edit the template name and click the "Rename" button.

Edit a template formatting

  1. Click on the template you what to edit

  2. Click on the "Edit template" button. It will redirect you to your document.

  3. The fields drag and drop viewer will be displayed, select the roles you need to edit and add or remove fields. Continue with other rules.

  4. Then click the "Submit" button.

View a template

  1. Click on the template you what to view then click the "View" button.

How to delete a template

  1. Click on the template you what to view then click the "Delete permanently" button.

    Note: The deleted template cannot be recovered.

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