Document/Template tagging functionality is a valuable feature for organizing and categorizing documents, making it easier to search and retrieve specific information.
What are the things to consider before putting tags on Document/Template?
The User should be the Owner of the Document/Template
How to put Tags on a Document/Template?
User navigates to the Document/Template page.
User click the "ADD TAG" button
User input desired TAG NAME
User can also select from previously added TAG NAME
How to add Tags using sidebar/menu tags?
Click the Edit button at the sidebar/menu
Click the NEW TAG button
User will input the desired TAG NAME and select the color scheme for that tag. Then click SUBMIT
How to delete tags on a Document/Template?
User navigate to Document/Template page
User select a document/template to delete a tag to.
User click the "X" button beside the tag name to delete the tag.
4. Or click the "ADD TAG" button then click "X" button beside the tag name
How to delete tags on the sidebar/menu?
Select a tag to be deleted then click the trash bin button/icon
How to edit tags on the sidebar/menu?