Quick Guide
1. Action Menu
This is accessed by clicking a Drakon in the world or "Find in Aviary" in Dragon Profile.
Beckon: calls the drakon to the player's location
View Profile: opens the drakon's profile
2. Dr. Tetsu
3. Incubators
Click on the incubator to open the Incubator window. |
4. Drakon Profile
Accessed by clicking a Drakon in the Aviary Directory or Look Book.
A. Clutch |
5. Hot Bar
Aviary Directory: a list of current drakons in the Aviary
Breeding: reproducing drakons
The player can choose either asexual or sexual reproduction, and which drakon(s) will be the parent(s). |
Egg Inventory: a list of all eggs in the Drakonaium
Clicking on an egg opens the egg profile, showing the parents of the egg and the probability of acquiring various genotypes. |
Look Book: A list of randomly generated drakons that can be bred with your drakons