We launched an HTML5 browser version in January 2021, and have since retired our install versions of the game.
No installation is needed; kids will just log in to tytoonline.com and click to play the game. There will be a load time as they download the needed game files, and then they can play in the browser.
So, let's talk about the details!
White Listing
Please white list [*].tytoonline.com, as we run all our student-facing services through a variety of subdomains on the Tyto Online site.
Device Requirements
We've tested on Windows, Mac, and Chromebooks. We do not yet support tablets or mobile.
The device needs to be able to allocate 512 MB of RAM to Tyto Online when it begins to initialize; in our observations, this works best on a device with 4 GB of RAM or more.
Support for MediaTek processors is slated for 2023. Please reach out if you need this, so we can adjust our priorities based on interest.
Our recommended browser is an up-to-date version of Google Chrome.
Based on our testing, here is our list of browser compatibility:
Chrome: Supported
Edge: Supported
Firefox: Not Yet Supported
Safari: Not Yet Supported
Data Storage & Cacheing
When students first load into the game, they will download around 100 MB of data as they progress through stages and get into the game world. The total game package is ~400 MB including all maps (only loaded as needed).
There is also a cacheing system for the game so that when students return, they will only need to re-download any components that have been updated. Due to this, we recommend not automatically clearing students' data on logoff or very frequently; or exempting tytoonline.com if that is possible with your system.
Testing the Game's Functionality on Student Devices
One thing we'd recommend is that you test the game on a student device or a device with permissions equal to that of a student. Playing an HTML5 game like ours requires a lot more than just being able to load onto the website: we then load in assets, initialize web assembly code, connect authentication, render a 3D game, and have ongoing client<>server communication.
If you are an IT team and you need a student account to test with, please reach out to hello@tytoonline.com from your organization email address or use the live chat below, and we will provide you one.
Then, follow these steps!
Log in to Tyto Online
Head here and log in to the Tyto Online website: https://account.tytoonline.com/login
Enter your credentials and log in.
Click to "Play the Game"
Once logged in, you will see a "Select a Class to Play" button on the home page. Click that and the HTML5 browser game will load in another tab.
Confirm Gameplay
From there, the game will progress through a series of loading screens/stages, each with a different role; so if it gets stuck somewhere, please let us know which one and provide a copy of the Console log if possible!
If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to use the live chat available on this page, and we can connect that way or get on a call and help you troubleshoot!