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Vision Accessibility Supports
Vision Accessibility Supports

We have several features available to support learners with low or different vision. This article introduces & explains how to use them!

Lindsey Tropf avatar
Written by Lindsey Tropf
Updated today

Tyto Online includes accessibility features that can help low vision learners use the game. We're working on future updates to expand these, such as screenreader support, but right now have found that learners who can use magnification/zoom tools up to 400% for digital software can play Tyto Online with these features supporting them.

To Access the Accessibility Options in Game

  • Go to "Options" on the top left (gear icon), or press ESC.

  • Select "Accessibility Options" to open that menu

Description of each Accessibility Feature

Low-vision Assist Preset

This button automatically sets all the below options to settings that we have

Navigation Assist Arrows

Makes the navigation assist arrows available, which you can also access with the 'arrow' button on the minimap. Additionally, this makes certain short keys available, such as:

  • shift-a and shift-d auto-rotate the user in the correct direction (vs. a/d simply turns the avatar, but the user needs to decide when to stop)

  • shift-w will enable auto-run, which will automatically pause every time there is a turn in the arrow to enable the user to readjust

Navigation Assist SFX

This provides audio sound effects for navigation, which are varied tones that let the learner know if they are on or off track of the pathway. They correlate with the arrows, whether they are on or off, as it's the same general system for navigation.

Navigation Assist Voice

This adds a navigation voice that instructs the user, such as "turn right," "turn left" "go forward," to help them navigate the game world. This can be used at the same time as the SFX to learn what the tones mean, if the user finds that helpful, or if the user has a hearing difference and doesn't find the tones helpful for navigation.

Highlight Objective

Turns on a feature that will highlight objectives (doors, characters, etc.) yellow to make them stand out more for clicking/engagement.

Desaturate Environment

The first of the options that are sliders to help the learner customize the appearance of the open world to make the game world easier to navigate and differentiate within. This one lowers the saturation of the environment, which could go all the way to grayscale.

Darken Environment

This option keeps all the color in-game, but makes the world darker, which helps interactives such as the highlight objective and pathway stand out more.

Darken Map Background

This applies both to the minimap and map main in order to make objectives and labels easier to see. The slider is also built right into the large map for easy controlling.

Boost Image Contrast

This turns up the contrast for all 2D images, but it not recommended unless needed in addition to magnification as it can decrease readability at times.

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