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What is 2FA?

2 factor authentication

Written by Customer Support
Updated over a year ago

Two Factor Authentication is a verification step required for all tZERO Securities accounts to help keep your account secure.

We support 2 methods of 2FA: SMS and Google Authenticator.


  1. Ensure that you have a North American phone number and can receive SMS messages.

  2. Ensure that you have checked your phone for a verification code, sent via SMS, from tZERO Securities.

  3. SMS codes are valid for 5 minutes - if you do not enter your code within that time frame and need a new one, you can request a new code by clicking "Did not get code: link and following the instructions.

  4. If you request a new code, the prior one will be disabled.

  5. Connect with our support team to get additional assistance.

Google Authenticator - US and International

  1. Download the Google Authenticator app for your mobile device.

  2. Log into your Google account.

  3. Scan the QR code that appears on screen during onboarding.

  4. If you request a new code, the prior one will be disabled.

  5. Input the 6 digit code before it refreshes a new code. If the code refreshes, be sure to input the code that is valid in the Authenticator app.

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