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Using ubbox

How to use ubbu's block programming tool.

Leandra Santos avatar
Written by Leandra Santos
Updated over a month ago

ubbox is a tool that allows students to create projects using a block based programming language. With it, students can make animations, stories, and mini-games, using programming concepts and programming logic.

When opening the ubbox for the first time, we find a character and a background by default.

On the right side are the drawers of blocks, arranged by category. There are several types of categories available:

The ubbox works like most of the games in our curriculum. To control the characters, or sprites, we drag blocks from the left side into the play area. By pressing the ► button, we can see the code in action.

Several tabs are available on the left-hand side, allowing you to program each element individually. You can also create and edit characters (which can contain various skins) and customize the background.

Here's an example of what you can create with ubbox:

Now you can explore ubbox and make your own creations.

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