Beta Update 2.4

December 18, 2018

Akira Sasaki avatar
Written by Akira Sasaki
Updated over a week ago

Hey Habiteers!

We love getting feedback from our users. It's what helps us propel how we build UpHabit: just the way you want it to be!

It’s been an exciting ride leading up to this Android release. Being able to learn so much from our Habiteers during the iOS beta has helped us draw the roadmap of what improvements need to happen. And it’s because of this excellent feedback that we’re happy to introduce you to UpHabit Version 2.4!

Tap below to update to the latest version of our beta (or if you have Android auto-update turned on, it'll happen when that kicks off, typically within 24 hours).

We've Got Tags!

Tags are a quick and flexible way to label and group contacts, leads, emails, organizations, opportunities, or projects.Quickly customize your list of contacts by Friends, Family, or even Golf Buddies. It's customizable in whatever way you want!

Filters And Sorting!

Filters and Sorting will help you search and organize your contacts in whatever way that works for you. You can filter your contacts by One Time Reminder, Tagged, Untagged, No Reminders…

and you can sort your contacts by Last Name, Last Connected, Reminder Date, Last Updated, Company and Email Domain.

New We Connected!

Your voice was loud and clear; many users needed a dynamic We Connected that lived on the same screen as your contact. So the changes you see is the direct result of your awesome feedback. We hope this makes completing reminders more straightforward and intuitive. Let us know what you think!

We want to thank our Super Habiteers Don, Sameer, Nate, Richard, Markus, Stuart, Dominik, and Ali for sharing their feedback on this point and helping us make the right changes!

Quick Bite Fixes

Sync engine rewritten and fixed crashes on devices running Android O and above. This was bought to our attention by our awesome Habiteers: Nikolaij, Nihil, Erik, Zachary, Mark, Hugo, Dimitris. Thank you for sharing your feedback and letting us know!

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