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Suggested Birthdays 🎂
Suggested Birthdays 🎂

Import birthdays from your Gmail, Outlook and Local Address Book and automatically create reminders

Akira Sasaki avatar
Written by Akira Sasaki
Updated over a week ago

Do you forget your friends or loved ones Birthday because you didn't have reminders set for them? Consider using UpHabit's Suggested Birthday Feature! 

In this tutorial we are going to look at how easy it is to import Birthdays from Gmail, Outlook and Local Address Book. 

If you already have Birthdays set at the source (Gmail, Outlook and Local Address Book), UpHabit will automatically import them and present it to you in a form of Suggested Birthdays

  1. To get started, tap on the header that shows how many birthdays we've found. 

  2. Choose the contacts you want to set recurring reminders for 

  3. Feel free to Hide Suggestions for contacts you wont be setting reminders for 

  4. Once you have your contacts chosen, tap on Set Reminders

Once you have set your Birthdays, you can find the reminder in the Today Tab.  If you have notifications enabled, you will receive a push notification reminding you on the day of the Birthday. 

If you don't have your Birthdays set at the source, learn how to easily Setup Birthday Reminders manually. 

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