UpHabit's web Relationships alpha is live! Here's the web alpha link. Please bookmark it as it won't be on our website until it's more complete. This is a partial version of one of our five tabs (Today, Relationships, Discover, Articles and Settings). Next up is the Today tab and then Discover and then Settings. We'll fit in Articles somewhere.
The focus of our Relationships alpha version was to give you the ability to contact, edit, "we connected", make notes and set tags for the people you've already said are a relationship through our other apps.
Things that exist with our mobile and macOS apps that are missing in this alpha version are:
social profile integration
magnifying glass search
street addresses
additional name fields
bulk actions
quick-set reminders
tag lists
read mode for contacts
deleting the contact
removing a relationship
suggested merge
suggested birthdays
manually adding contacts (but coming soon)
It's not a short list and that's why we're calling it alpha (which means pretty early). Next up is the Today tab and then Discover (at which time it'll become beta). Our help system is in the bottom right. Please help us prioritize the missing features and especially any bugs.
Thanks for being part of our journey. It's just the start!
Neil, Founder & CEO