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Mastermind Dinners

By Jayson Gaignard (2015)

Akira Sasaki avatar
Written by Akira Sasaki
Updated over a week ago

As part of UpHabit’s series of Book Reviews and Recommendations about being a thoughtful Super Connector, we’re pleased to share what we’ve learned from Jayson Gaignard about building meaningful relationships in his book Mastermind Dinners. UpHabit’s a Personal CRM for thoughtful Super Connectors and those that aspire to be one!

Jayson Gaignard prefaces his book with the reminder that life rewards people who take action. By taking action, you are gaining experience, even if you fail along the way. The more action you take, the more you learn, and the less you fail.

For Gaignard, Mastermind Dinners was a life-changer and a tool with which everyone can change their whole outlook on relationships and success. All you have to do is take action. He explains what led him to start Mastermind Dinners: his lack of satisfaction with what he was doing in life. He may have been wealthy, but he wasn’t happy nor fulfilled. Jayson mentions how entrepreneurship can bring serious stress into your life and you have to be careful to not put too much pressure on yourself.

Everything changed when Jayson attended a gathering on the “connection economy,” or the idea that building connections between individuals could create value. Realizing this was something he wanted to do, he started hosting dinners. Entrepreneurs would come together and connect with each other.

Gaingard brings up a vital point:

“Investing in my relationships was the safest investment I could make, and I believe the same is true for you”

Money can come and go, material kinds can disappear, but your relationships can’t be taken from you.

When creating Mastermind Dinners, Jayson had to figure out who to invite. The term “entrepreneur” was too broad and had changed so much in recent years. Instead, he’d ask himself whether the individual was someone he would like to have dinner with. By making it a personal, rather then business, connection, it made Mastermind events enjoyable.

Gaiganrd takes a look at the shift in mindset that is needed for anyone to succeed in networking. Instead of finding the optimal ‘strategies’ and ‘tactics’, Jayson advises on actually caring about others and their success. Networking is supposed to be a win-win situation for you and your connection.

Unlike the common belief that networking is all about the number of “connections” we have, Gaignard emphasizes the need for depth in each of our relationships.

“At the end of the day, it’s not how many friends you can count, but how many friends you can count on.”

Uphabit, the Personal CRM for thoughtful super connectors and those who aspire to be one, is the tool you need to make that happen. Designed to keep you connected and accountable for all your relationships, UpHabit is packed with features that help make fostering real friends easy. From Reminders to reach out, Tags to stay organized, and social media integration to stay connected, you’ll never have to worry about losing touch.

Gaignard offers a road map to hosting your own Mastermind Dinner and building the networks that count. He details the planning process, how to properly market and reach out to guests, and the even the small, nitty-gritty details that can make or break your dinner.

Most importantly, it’s important that you’re the gatekeeper of your network. Getting double opt-in from both people makes you the connector, adding value to everyone’s networking. With UpHabit’s upcoming Introductions feature, making these connections will be easier than ever before.

In 2011, Gaignard decided to change his career and personal life for the better. Instead of working for material wealth, Gaignard decided to build relationships. Mastermind Dinners offers a look at how he did it, and how we all can make a change in our lives. A light, fun read, UpHabit recommends it to all those who aspire to become thoughtful Super Connectors.

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