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UpHabit Introductions - Follow Up
UpHabit Introductions - Follow Up

Automating the process of following up, UpHabit enables you to receive feedback on the success of your introduction with one tap

Akira Sasaki avatar
Written by Akira Sasaki
Updated over a week ago

Often, we hear the person doing the introductions never get feedback on a consistent basis on how successful it went. UpHabit's powerful Introduction feature allows you to create Follow ups and send Thumbs up surveys in a professional manner.

If you chose to add Follow ups to your Introduction, you'll have additional steps to set the dates for the Follow Up survey and Reminder.

Note: Introduction reminders can be found in the Today tab. They will be labeled as an Introduction Reminder.

Once you have your dates set for the Thumbs up survey and Reminder, Save the Introduction.

Introductions Follow up survey and Reminders can be edited by tapping on the Introduction.

If you would like to Send the follow up survey now, use the option below.

The Thumbs up survey will be sent in a form of an email and the recipient can choose if the Introduction was Helpful, So-so or Not Helpful. You'll receive a push notification notifying you of the survey results.

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