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How to Add a New Product Using Link

How to add information about a new inventory item

Jonathan Conda avatar
Written by Jonathan Conda
Updated over 5 months ago


  • Click on Upright Link's 'New product' tab to add information about a new inventory item.

  • Follow the steps below to add a new draft of a product

Add photos of your product

  • You can add photos of your product in one of two ways

  1. Use the camera feature

  2. Add photos from your library

How to use the camera feature

  1. Click on 'Tap to open camera'

  2. Click on the big white circle to take as many photos as you'd likeClick on the lightning strike icon in the bottom right if you'd like to use flash

  3. Be sure to take multiple photos so the product is completely captured

  4. After taking your photos, click on 'Use photos'

How to add photos from your library

  • Add photos from your library if you previously took photos of your product

  1. Click 'Add from my Photo Library'

  2. Click on the photos you'd like to use

How to edit photos

  1. Click on the uploaded photo to edit

  2. Click on 'Transform' to crop or change the size of the photo

  3. Click 'Adjust' to adjust the the images brightness, clarity, saturation, etc.Click the check mark in the bottom right corner after your done adjustingIf you don't like a change you made, click the curved arrows to undo or redo changes

  4. Once you complete all of your changes, click the down arrow in the bottom right corner to save the product and go back to the product page

How to rearrange photos

  1. Change the order of photos by holding down the photo you'd like to move and then drag the photo

How to remove photos

  1. Select one or more photos to remove at a time by clicking on the photo(s) itself and selecting 'Remove'

Add product's basic information

  1. Type in the product's title

  2. Click 'Generate' to generate a SKUIf the item already has a barcode, click the scanner icon in the SKU box to scan the barcodeYou can change the barcode/SKU by clicking the 'Generate' button againThe barcode/SKU will be important for keeping track of your product's journeyNote: You will be unable to save a product draft without generating a SKU

  3. Search for or select the category that represents your item

  4. Choose the correct supplierNote: If the item came from a manifest created on Upright Lister, the supplier will auto assign

  5. Choose the inventory location

  6. Select the listing strategy

Add product's measurements

  1. Add in your product's length, width, height, and weight

Note: Adding in your product's measurements is optional at this stage. You do not need to fill in this section to save your product

How to add shipping information

  1. Add in your product's package weight, type of box, and shipping method

Note: Adding in your product's shipping information is optional at this stage. You do not need to fill in this section to save your product

How to save your product

  1. Click the 'Save' button in the upper left corner to save your product

  2. After you save your product, a draft will appear on Upright Lister

Note: To convert your product draft to an actual listing, you will have to use Upright Lister

Which fields are required to save?

  • SKU is the only field that is required to save an item

How to view all of your drafts

  1. Click 'Search' in the main dashboard

  2. Click the 'All' dropdown menu in the top right corner

  3. Select 'Draft only' from the list

How to add details to a draft

  • Edit or add details to a draft with the 'Search' feature in the main dashboard

  1. Click 'All' in the top right corner

  2. Filter by 'Draft only'

  3. Search for or click on the draft you'd like to edit

  4. Click on the pencil icon in the top right corner to make edits

  5. Edit any or all of the fields

How to create a draft of a product using Upright Lister

  • You can create a draft of a product on Upright Lister and it will then appear on Upright Link

  1. Go to Upright Lister's home page

  2. Click on the clipboard icon in the top ribbon to manifest an item

  3. Click 'Create New Manifest'

  4. Click 'Add Item'

  5. Add in product's information

  6. Click 'Save'

  7. Click 'Process'

  8. Your draft will now appear in Link as well

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