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Navigating the Orders Manager

High-level overview of the Orders page in Lister

Adam Kragt avatar
Written by Adam Kragt
Updated over a week ago


The Orders Manager is where you can monitor and take action on orders across marketplaces. Through the Orders Manager, you can view and update order details, begin the packing and shipping process, and mark orders as picked up.

Table of Contents

How to Find The Orders Manager

Access the orders manager by clicking the shopping cart icon in Lister's top-right navigation menu. Note that depending on your user role within Lister, you may not have access to the Orders Manager.

Overview of the Orders Manager

The Orders Manager has 4 primary sections. We’ll share a brief description of each section, followed by a deeper explanation of each one further into this guide.

  1. Tools: Quick links to create a new shipment, view pick lists, pack orders, and additional actions

  2. Order Filters: Lister provides a set of Default Order Filters. Saved custom order filters will also be accessible here

  3. Search, Filter, and Sort: Narrow down which orders are currently displayed in the search results

  4. Orders and Actions: Displays all orders that match the current filter or search result. Certain bulk order actions can also be performed from this section


The tools bar at the top of the Orders page has 5 tools to help speed up your workflow. Below is a brief overview, followed by more details in the following sections.

Orders 2023-03-21 at 9.31.37 AM
  1. Export: Shortcut to quickly create Paid Orders reports

  2. More Actions: Create pick lists and scan forms for carriers

  3. New Shipment: Begins the process of creating a shipping label for an order

  4. View Pick Lists: View details on all pick lists

  5. Pack Orders: A tool to ensure the right items are packed into each box, preventing the wrong items from shipping to buyers


The Export tool is a shortcut to generate a “Paid Orders” report.

Note that “Timezone”, “Channel” and “Payment status” filters are not accessible when generating a “Paid Orders” report from this interface. A report generated here will be based on your local timezone, display orders from all channels, and include only paid orders.

More Actions Tool

The More Actions Tool offers shipping-related actions.

  1. Create USPS scan form: Generates a USPS scan form for any relevant orders fulfilled with USPS after 8PM the previous day. This allows USPS to scan one barcode to accept all packages present on the form.

  2. Create Canada Post scan form: Generates a Canada Post scan form for any relevant orders fulfilled with Canada Post after 8PM the previous day. This allows Canada Post to scan one barcode to accept all packages present on the form.

  3. Create pick list: Offers the ability to generate a pick list, based on a selected Picking Profile and quantity, that can be printed. Note: Any orders included in a pick list will be locked for picking in Link.

💡 Operational Tip: Picking products works best with our companion app, Link! Learn more about Digital Picking with Link here.

New Shipment

The New shipment link will initiate the packing or shipping process by scanning or entering the Channel Order ID or the SKU of a product within the order. A shipment can also be created that is not attached to an order.

View Pick Lists

The View pick lists link will display all past and active pick lists.

From this page, you can view and interact with pick lists:

  1. Pick List: Displays the Pick List ID. Click on the ID to view the items present on that specific Pick List

  2. Generated From: The Picking Profile that was used to generate the Pick List. It will display “Custom” if Link was used to create a one-off tailored list

  3. Creator: Username of the user that generated the Pick List

  4. Item Count: Number of items included in the list

  5. Created on: Date the Pick List was generated

  6. Locked until: Date and time the picklist will unlock on its own. Generally, this is right before midnight on the same day the Pick List was generated. Pick Lists can be manually unlocked by clicking the “Unlock” button

Pack Orders

If “Require Packing before Shipping” is turned off in your Admin>Orders settings, the Tools section will include a “Pack orders” link.

This link allows for manually entering and remaining in Pack Mode. When Pack Mode is required, this link will be hidden.

Click here to learn How to Use Pack Mode.

Order Filters

Lister has 5 default filters to view your orders, and you can create and save your own custom filters for your own fulfillment needs. Click here to learn more about default and custom order filters.

Clicking these filters will show you orders that meet the criteria below:

  1. All: Shows all orders that have been imported to Lister, regardless of payment or fulfillment status

  2. Open: Shows all orders that have not been marked as fulfilled in Lister, regardless of payment status

  3. Ready to Fulfill: Shows all open orders that are paid and either partially fulfilled or unfulfilled

  4. Overdue & Urgent: Shows all orders that are not marked as fulfilled are past due or need to be shipped within the next 2 days. If this tab isn't visible to you, there are no late shipments. 🎉

    • Overdue: Ship By Date stipulated by the marketplace is in the past

    • Urgent: Ship By Date stipulated by the marketplace is due within the next two days

  5. Not Found: Shows all orders that include an item marked missing in Link while picking. If this tab isn't visible to you, there are no missing items. 🎉

💡 Operational Tip: The "Overdue & Urgent" and "Not Found" tab should be reviewed daily by leadership teams to resolve any issues for your buyers.

Search, Filter, and Sort

If you need to find specific orders, Lister can filter and search through all past and present orders. You can also sort their viewing arrangement in the list through the sort tool.

  1. Search Bar: Look up a specific order by using a Product SKU, marketplace order or item number, the buyer’s username or ID, the tracking number of a fulfilled order or by searching for the Product Title

  2. More filters: Opens a slide-in drawer on the right of the screen with [options to filter orders by](Link to Filters).

  3. Sort: [Controls the sorting order](Link to Sort) in which the order results are displayed

  4. Edit Filters: For saved Filters, this button will allow for the renaming of the saved filter configuration.

  5. Current Filters: This displays the current filters that are being applied to the order results

  6. Results Count: Will display the number of resulting orders based on any filters and search terms applied


Filters are an additional way to help refine the list of order results.

Results can be filtered by any combination of the following:

  1. Channel: A singular or combination of multiple marketplaces

  2. By category: Filter results by specific categories

  3. Payment status: Define specific payment statuses the orders should match

  4. Pick and pack status: Limit results to specific steps in the picking & packing process.

  5. Fulfillment status: Show orders by their current fulfillment status

  6. Ship timeline: Display orders that need to urgently ship out and/or those that are overdue

  7. Date: Limit results to orders with an Order Date within the defined date range

  8. Order type: Can show All orders, or filter to Single Item Orders or Multi-Item Orders.

  9. Shipping method: Refines the results based on the shipping method of the order.

  10. Shipping destination: Can show orders being sent to All destinations or filter to orders with Domestic or International addresses

  11. In location: Filters the order list by Inventory Location. If an item exists in the order that matches the defined locations, the order will appear

  12. Clear filters: Completely clear out any selected filters.

  13. Close: Close the panel


The order results can be sorted based on a variety of parameters. Each option can be sorted as Ascending (Oldest to Newest, A-Z, 1-100) or Descending (Newest to Oldest, Z-A, 100-1).

  • Order number: The Lister Order number

  • Paid Date: Date the order was paid for on the marketplace

  • Order date: Date the order was placed on the marketplace. Buy It Now items typically have the same order and paid date, whereas auctions may differ based on your payment deadline settings

  • Ship by date: Based on defined payment windows, the Date the order should be shipped by

  • Inventory location: The location of the item in the order

💡Operational Tip: Inventory locations are sorted alphabetically (A to Z or Z to A). For multi-item orders, Lister will identify a product within the order that most closely matches the sort order.

Example: An order that contains products with inventory locations of A, B & M would appear at the beginning of an Ascending list (matched to A), but in the middle of a Descending list (matched to M).

  • Supplier: The supplier credited to items within the order. For multi-item orders, this is treated the same way as Inventory Locations

  • Shipping method: Shipping method the order is connected to

  • Customer name: Name or ID of the customer who made the purchase.

  • Payment status: Status of payment on the order

  • Fulfillment status: Status of the order’s fulfillment

  • Total price: Grand total of the order

Orders & Actions

The Orders and Actions section of the Orders page displays all search results that match your current search term and filters. From this section, you can perform certain bulk actions on orders.

Orders List

The list of orders displayed here will reflect any search terms and filters applied. Clicking any line in the results will open the Order page for that specific order.

  1. Order: Displays the Lister Order ID

  2. Date: Shows both the Order Date (top) and Paid Date (below)

  3. Ship by Date: This is the date this order should ship by to avoid being considered late. The shipping window is marketplace specific

  4. Channel: The marketplace the order originated from

  5. Channel Order ID: The ID of the order from the marketplace. This can be used to locate the order on the marketplace’s website if needed

  6. Customer: Buyer’s username or ID on the marketplace

  7. Payment: Status of payment for the order. This can include: Unpaid, Paid, Partially Paid, Refunded, or Partially Refunded

  8. Fulfillment: Status of the order. This can include: Unfulfilled, Fulfilled or Partially Fulfilled.

  9. Total: Grand total of the order

Actions Menu

When orders are selected using the checkboxes on the left, the Actions menu allows for certain actions to be applied in bulk to all orders selected.

  • Mark as fulfilled: Mark all selected items as “Fulfilled”. Note that this action does not allow for an entry of a tracking number and will not notify the marketplace. Those tasks will need to be performed on a per-order basis.

  • Mark as picked up: Mark all selected items as “Fulfilled” via a pickup action. This bulk action will notify the marketplace by default.

  • Print pack slips: Generates printable pack slips for each order selected. Information appearing on the pack clips can be configured before generation. Note: Printing pack slips may prevent selected orders from appearing on a pick list in Link.

  • Archive orders: Sets all selected order’s status to “Archived”

  • Unarchive orders: Sets any “Archived” orders back to “Open”

  • Unlock orders: If all selected orders are locked for picking, this action will unlock them. These orders would then be eligible to appear via picking profiles in Link.

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