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Productivity Reports

View your productivity over time by charting key statistics, or compare productivity among your employees

Patrick Boatner avatar
Written by Patrick Boatner
Updated over a week ago


The operational productivity report gives you a powerful way to view the productivity of your operation. The report shows your operation’s throughput at key steps throughout the product lifecycle. Choose the time range and level of detail you’re interested in, then the report will graph your performance over time. When you make changes in your organization, use this to easily measure the impact or to routinely identify areas of improvement.

The user productivity report shows similar information, but it compares each user over the whole time period. It’s great for comparing productivity among your employees, so you can identify your top and bottom performers.

Table of Contents

How to View Productivity Reports

To view these, open the report section in Lister


Choose a time range and a “group by” option (hour, day, week, etc). With smaller time ranges, group by “hour” or “day” to see more details.

To understand long-term trends, choose a larger time range and group by “day” or “week”.

Try comparing your productivity this month with last month’s productivity. Try looking at your performance before and after you incorporated a recommendation from the Upright Services team!

To understand how a single user is performing over time, choose their name in the “Showing” dropdown.


The legend on the right allows you to turn stats on and off by clicking the stat. You could focus on just your Photography productivity, for example. Or to gauge your efficiency by multiple statistics (like processing manifests), turn everything off (“Toggle all” at the bottom), then check Accepted and Rejected. You can leave all stats turned on to get a bird’s eye view and spot unusual trends.

Here are some examples of questions you could answer by using the legend to filter the report. If you find other insightful examples, we’d love to hear about it!

  • If you started using Lister’s shipping box calculator, or you installed new packing workstations, did that affect how many packages you could ship each day? (Shipped)

  • After an Upright audit and facility redesign, your crew loves the new inventory layout. But how much has it improved your picking productivity?

  • Stores are complaining that we’re sending more items back lately. Are we really rejecting more manifest items, or has our overall processing rate gone up?

Compare Users

The organizational productivity report is great for understanding trends over time, but charts aren’t well suited to comparing all the employees in your organization. For comparing across employees, see the user productivity report.

The user productivity report compares each user over the whole time period (not by day/week/etc). It’s great for comparing productivity among your employees, so you can identify your top and bottom performers.


Both the user and organization productivity reports support powerful features like date ranges, filtering, and sorting. But we understand those may not be enough for some situations, and you need to analyze the data in a specific way. The Download button on each page gives you a CSV report of the raw data, so you can import it into Excel and analyze however you wish.

Types of Statistics and Where They Come From

You can find event logs throughout Lister. At key points throughout the product lifecycle, we capture an event log describing who made the change and what they did. For example, when someone lists a draft product to Shopgoodwill, this logs a new event with the user and the time it happened. You can view these on various pages in Lister today.

These event logs are what power your productivity reports. The numbers in the productivity report are simply a count of each type of event. If your team collectively posts 50 listings in a day, then the daily graph will show a count of 50.

These are the statistics you can find in your report and where they come from:

  • Accepted: When a user accepts a manifest item

  • Rejected: When a user rejects a manifest item

  • Photographed: When a user updates a product by adding 1 or many photos in Link for the first time

  • Posted: When a product goes live onto a marketplace for the first time (does not include relists)

  • Shelved: When a product is putaway using Link or reshelved using Lister

  • Purged: When a product is manually purged by a user in Link or bulk deleted in Lister.

  • Picked: Each time an item (not an order) is picked within Link

  • Packed: When a user is selected as the packer in quick-ship or if a user packs an order using pack mode. Counted on a per-order basis

  • Shipped: When someone buys a shipping label and marks the item as fulfilled or marks something as picked up

Nitty-gritty Details

The productivity reports are both updated in real-time. What this means: the moment that you see a product has been listed, refresh your productivity report, and the Posted stat will include that product.

The numbers are all grouped by the hour. If it was any finer, there would be too much data to visualize or download. We do show data for the hour in progress (when you choose today as the date range), so that number will continue to go up during the hour.

This also applies to the data you download. When you view weekly data, the Download button gives you weekly data. When you view hourly data, the Download button gives you hourly data.

Historical Data

The productivity reports will show historical data for all stats except for the photographed and picked stat.

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