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Asset based servicing
Teresa Bui avatar
Written by Teresa Bui
Updated over 2 years ago

Asset based servicing is when a testing schedule is formed using individual asset due dates, rather than the common site-based servicing where all assets are grouped and serviced that the same time.

In the Fire industry, an example of asset based servicing would mainly be any high level testing with more than a year's frequency. For example, 5 Yearly Fire Hydrant systems, 10 Yearly Fire Sprinkler Systems etc - the due dates of these tests are based on a single asset's last service date rather than all the Hydrants being due all at once for their 5 yearly overhaul. Another example of an asset based service could also be split testing of detectors per circuit each year - you could determine what detectors to test each service by using each asset to form the due dates of each detector.

Asset based servicing in Uptick is split into two categories - slippage and non-slippage. Slippage asset based servicing is when the next due date is based off the last service date of that asset for that test (eg sprinklers, pumpsets, hydrants etc). Non-slippage asset based servicing is when the due dates are based on a fixed, recurring date that can be edited on that specific asset (detectors and extinguishers)

Uptick's asset based servicing features include:

  • A simplified approach to split testing (such as red/green/blue testing or automatically testing a percentage of assets each year)

  • A property routine maintenance schedule based on a combination of asset and site based testing (if that testing is in contract). The system will generate due dates based on either type of testing and put it into one property schedule, clearly showing you what's due each month.

  • A dashboard to manage and quote for asset based servicing that isn't included in any contracts but is due and therefore opens opportunities to quoting for and winning more work. For example, if you were contracted to only do the Annual Flow Test for the Fire Hydrant Systems on a site, once set up, this dashboard can tell you once the 5 Yearly valve overhaul is due given you do this type of testing for this site.



Create your asset based servicing levels in the system:

  1. Click Control Panel > Routines > Create Routine Service Level Type.

  2. Fill out the fields and take note of the Asset Based Service and Uses Slippage checkboxes. See the table below for an explanation of these options:


Asset Based Service

Checking this box will mean the servicing schedule will be generated using the individual asset (as explained above)

Uses Slippage

Checking this box will mean the servicing schedule should be generated using the last service date (for that service level) of this test.

The initial date from which then next service date is calculated must start from the base date. Adding an initial service date without the base date will not update the calculation.

3. Toggle Asset Based Service if applicable
4. Toggle Uses Slippage if applicable

5. Set up which asset types will be applicable to this level. This asset's due date for this test will now use the below method for calculating it's due date, rather than only using the routine.

Setup a site:

  1. Add all in-contract routine testing to the property

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: If the asset based servicing level is added to the property, Uptick will deem this level IN CONTRACT. In contract asset based testing means that the servicing does not need to be quoted before going out to site and completing the test.

For example, the below tells the system that the 5 Yearly Overhaul is in contract and therefore a part of this property's testing schedule and doesn't need to be quoted before doing the testing.

  • If the asset based servicing level is not added to the property, Uptick will deem this level OUT OF CONTRACT. Out of contract asset based testing means that the servicing needs to be quoted before going out to site and completing the test. Uptick will manage any out of contract assets that are due on these properties in Uptick for you, helping you raise quotes for upcoming testing.

For example, the below tells the system that the 5 Yearly Overhaul is not in contract and therefore should be managed externally on the non-contracted servicing dashboard.


How asset based servicing appears on the Property's Routine schedule


Asset based servicing is depicted on the routine schedule as an icon with a number (number of assets due for this service) above it. Below you can see that the Fire detection and alarm systems Annual level is a normal site-based level and just shows the letter representing the service level due. The 5-Yearly, which is asset based, will show the number of assets to be serviced in that month as well as the level that those assets are due for. Out of contract servicing will also show up on this routine calendar. This will help clearly distinguish asset-based services from site-based services on this site.


All in contract asset and site based servicing will generate tasks each month using the Routine Task Generator. Tasks will still split up as expected given the property's conditions.

Managing out of contract asset based servicing

To manage out of contract asset based servicing that needs to be quoted on and approved before tasks can be generated, simple use our Non-contracted Routine Servicing Dashboard.

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