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How do I cancel/update my Pro subscription?
How do I cancel/update my Pro subscription?

A quick guide to canceling your Pro subscription:

Updated over a week ago

Hello There!

We are always sad to see you leave. We would love to hear from you first, let us know why you want to cancel your subscription and our team is guided to solve your issues and offer an attractive discount or coupon.

But, in the case you already have your mind set, here are the steps to take in order to cancel your Pro subscription:

Reminder - our user settings are only supported in desktop mode. Not mobile yet!

  1. Go to your user profile:
    It's on the top right corner of your screen (yes, that little color circle).


  2. Click to open your account details:

  3. Click on manage subscription:

  4. Update/cancel your subscription

That was easy enough I hope!

In any case, we are here as always to help with any issue. Just give us a shout via the little chat button in the corner of your screen.

Good luck!

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