Below we have compiled a list of the closest GP practice to each of our properties. Please note that you will need to register before being able to use the services. You can find more information on the practice's website.
For non-urgent health advice you can call the NHS helpline on 111.
For medical emergencies call 999.
Westminster Bridge
The nearest health clinic is a 2 minute walk away at:
The Waterloo Health Centre, 5 Lower Marsh, Waterloo, London SE1 7RJ
Telephone number: 020 7928 4049
The nearest health clinic is a 2 minute walk away at:
The Victoria Medical Centre, 29 Upper Tachbrook St, Pimlico, London SW1V 1SN.
Telephone number: 020 7834 2298
The nearest health clinic is a 10 minute walk away at:
Hurley and Riverside Medical Practice, Floor G, St George’s Wharf, 18 Wandsworth Road SW8 2JB
Telephone number: 020 7735 7918
Tower Bridge
The nearest health clinic is a 5 minute walk away at:
The Neaman Practice, 15 Half Moon Court, London, EC1A 7HF
Telephone number: 020 7600 9740
St Pancras
The nearest health clinic is a 15 minute walk away at:
King's Cross Surgery, 77 – 83 Chalton Street, NW1 1HY
Telephone number: 020 7278 9074
King’s Cross
The nearest health clinic is a 7 minute walk away at:
Barnsbury Medical Practice , 8 Bingfield Street, N1 0AL
Telephone number: 020 7700 9700
The nearest health clinic is a 7 minute walk away at:
City Road Medical Centre, 190-196 City Road, London EC1V 2QH
Telephone number: 020 7336 8170
The nearest health clinic is a 15 minute tube journey away:
The Neaman Practice, 15 Half Moon Court, London, England EC1A 7HF
Telephone number: 020 7600 9740
The nearest health clinic is a 7 minute walk away:
Battersea Fields Practice, 115 Thessaly Road, SW8 4EJ
Telephone number: 020 7627 7100