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Active Transportation

An in-depth deep dive into the Active Transportation Use Case

Herman Chandi avatar
Written by Herman Chandi
Updated over a year ago

In this Help Centre we are going over Active Transportation. This use case allows users to view, interact with and analyze various non-vehicle mobility-related transportation datasets, including bikes, walking, and e-scooters. Specifically, this use case lets users filter, layer, visualize, generate, and export reports for their chosen locations. In addition, the user should be able to use the color-by function to see overarching metrics of importance, such as:

  • Pedestrian ADT

  • Cyclist ADT

  • Pedestrian Origin-Destination data

If you have any questions about this use case, please get in touch with us:

  • Via live chat: by clicking on the speech bubble in the sidebar at the bottom left corner of the screen

  • By phone: +1 833 872-2647

Finally, please remember that the data points and screenshots in this Use Case Help Center article below are fake synthetic data. We take data security very seriously.

First, select the Active Transportation use case from the Use Cases menu.

Inside the use case, you can view more information about the data and the use case from About This Use Case under the use case name on the sidebar. You can also click on the speech bubble in the sidebar at the bottom left corner of your screen to chat with a support team member and access more UrbanLogiq content regarding our platform.

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You can use the search bar on the side panel to search for the intersection of interest. Or, if you know where exactly it is on the map, zoom in on that specific active transportation count point.

Also, you can change the selected date in the Time Period box. There are quick time selects on the left, like Most Recent Day, Most Recent Week, Most Recent Month, Most Rect Year, etc., for ease of use. When we click on Time Period, we can see the available data for any particular use case under Available Dates.

Time selections can also be made when selecting an individual counter or section. If we have found the section and time range we are looking for, click View Report.

Click Apply and Generate Report. Note that if you select more than one year's worth of data, the report generation might take more than one minute.

Inside the report, you can find a list of charts that will help you understand the pedestrian and bike traffic of the selected location.

  • Hourly count chart per direction and road use type chart help you see the 24-hour traffic flow variations for each user type, direction, and combined traffic for each day in your selected time range.

  • Daily road user-type comparison chart compares different users' traffic volume variations for any day in your selected time range.

  • Multiple days single-road user-type comparison chart helps you understand the trend and pattern of bike or pedestrian traffic across multiple days (up to 7 days).

  • Road user volume heat map gives you a snapshot of the overall traffic volume patterns for bikes, pedestrians, or the total road users over the selected time range. Please look at the legend on the bottom left of the chart to see the color coding, and hover over a time bucket to see the exact traffic volume number. The horizontal axis represents the dates in the selected range, while the vertical axis represents the time of the day.

Lastly, you also have a count table with all the raw data records for each user type for each direction at a 15-minute time interval for each day in your selected time period.

If you want to see the raw data behind the report, click Export and select Raw Data (CSV) or Raw Data (XLSX) to view the raw data.

One more tip: click here to learn how to export multiple locations' raw data simultaneously.

That's all for now! Log in to the platform and start your active transportation analysis. Happy exploring!

As always, feel free to contact us if you need any help. Either chat with us from the get help chat box on the UrbanLogiq platform or send your questions to!

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