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Sales Analytics

Learn about Uscreen's Sales Analytics Reports

Updated over 3 months ago

Understanding the financial health of your membership business is crucial for long-term success, and Uscreen's Sales Analytics makes it easy to track and analyze your revenue streams. With detailed reports on sales, coupon usage, and more, you can monitor your income, identify trends, and make informed financial decisions.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the key features of Uscreen’s Sales Analytics.

Available Reports

Within the Sales Analytics report, you can view the following reports (learn more about financial metrics):

  • Gross Sales representing the total invoiced value from all sales for a specific period of time, before any deductions, such as fees, coupons, or discounts, from subscriptions, one-time sales, and donations from live events

  • Net Sales reflecting the total invoiced value minus any applied balances and discounts to the offer price, resulting in the amount of the customer payment

  • Number of Sales capturing the total number of paid and refunded invoices for a specific period of time

  • Net Sales Over Time showing the breakdown of gross sales to net sales over time

  • Earnings Over Time showing the breakdown of net sales to earnings over time

    • NOTE: Payment provider fees (such as though charged by Stripe or PayPal per customer payment) are reflected here where available. App payment provider fees (such as fees charged to payments made via iOS or Android apps) are not currently captured here

  • Sales Report reflects the full invoice breakdown of all paid and refunded invoices within a specific time frame, aggregated by the selected timeframe

  • Coupon Report shares the amount of discounts applied to paid invoices by coupon code

  • Total Net Sales by Customer represents the full invoice breakdown aggregated at the customer level

Available Filters

Sales Analytics at Uscreen allow you to filter all of these reports above using any combination of the following options:

  • Time Frame shows financials within a specific measure of time (date, week, month, quarter, year) based on the payment date.

  • Payment Date shows financials for a selected relative or exact date range.

  • Product Type shows financials for a specific product type:

  • Product Title shows financials for a specific product such as one or more selected subscription plan(s)

  • Payment Provider shows financials from invoices processed by one or more selected payment providers such as Stripe or Android

  • Billing Interval shows financials (from subscriptions only) for a specific billing interval, i.e. filter for Monthly Subscriptions only

  • Is Refunded shows financials including or excluding refunded invoices

  • Is Discounted shows financials including or excluding discounted invoices

  • Is Free Sale shows financials including or excluding invoices that were 100% discounted or from a free product

    • NOTE: free trial invoices are not included in Sales Analytics

Metric Definitions

  • Sales: the number of invoices that were paid, including refunded ones.

  • Gross sales: the original amount or subtotal of all paid and refunded invoices, before discounts, gift cards, and refunds.

  • Number of sales: the number of paid or refunded invoices

  • Refunded invoices: the number of paid invoices later refunded (both the paid and refunded timestamps are available in the report drill downs & CSV exports)

  • Discount amount: the amount of any discounts redeemed on the invoice

  • Balance applied: the amount of any balance applied to an invoice subtotal, such as a gift card redemption or a pre-existing credit on a customer account

  • Net sales: sum of the original price of all sales, after discounts, applied balances such as gift card redemptions, and refunds (Gross sales - Discount Amount - Gift Amount)

  • Payment processing fees: processing fees charged by payment provider such as Stripe or PayPal

  • Platform fees: fees charged per subscriber or as a % of a transaction by Uscreen

    • Fees from OTT subscriptions are not included.

  • Handling fees: an added handling fee charged by Uscreen only on Uscreen payment gateways (specifically Uscreen Stripe or PayPal accounts)

    • This does not apply to most customers or invoices

  • Earnings: the amount earned from an invoice or invoices after factoring in all known fees

    • Net sales - Payment processing fees - handling fees - platform fees

    • Taxes are not considered in earnings calculations

  • Redemptions: the number of times a purchase was made using a coupon, including refunded ones

Payouts Report

If you're using Legacy PayPal or Uscreen Payments to accept payments please refer to this article for detailed information about this report.

Note: this report is only available to customers using the payment providers mentioned above.

Additional Notes

  • Only financials related to paid and refunded invoices are included in Sales Analytics

    • For a record of all of your issued invoices, including unpaid or voided invoices, navigate to the Sales tab of your Uscreen dashboard to review your full customer invoice history

  • Only invoices paid through the latest complete day are included in Sales Analytics: real-time invoices can be viewed and managed through the Sales tab of your Uscreen dashboard, and those paid will be reflected in Sales Analytics the following day.

  • Visit our Analytics overview for global business rules and resources relevant to all of your Analytics reports, such time zone handling and best practices with filters.

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