Uploading vendor pricing helps you keep track of your general pricing agreements between vendors and your Organization. To upload vendor pricing data, click on the "Vendors" page under your Admin Settings on the left side of the screen:
Once you're on the Vendors page, click the vendor code of the vendor you would like to update pricing for. Next, click the "Pricing" tab.
Users will be presented with several actions on the right side of the screen:
Click "Download Pricing Template" to download a .CSV file compatible with Kojo Office.
With the CSV:
Click "Upload Kojo Pricing File" when you.
The uploaded file can only have the UPC, Description, UOM, and Unit Price columns in it.
Only data entered into the Pricing Template can be uploaded into Kojo Office.
Users can select specific items using the check boxes on the left of the item table in order to download a pricing template specifically for the selected items.
Pricing for items will be overwritten/updated upon upload of any completed pricing file containing matching items.
If you have any additional questions, please reach out directly to your CSM, or to our Support Team at support@usekojo.com