With Logic Jumps you can direct the tester to a specific block based on the actions taken during the test.
Each block on Useberry has its own logic jumps and every logic jump has its own conditions which differ from block to block.
So, when the tester is on a specific block we are calculating/checking if the testers' actions are triggering a logic jump or not.
You can add multiple logic jumps on a block.
Let's see what conditions you can add to each block.
Legal Screen
You can direct the tester to a specific block depending on actions taken by the tester on the Legal Screen block.
Legal screen conditions options:
Tester visited current block: If the tester visited current block
Time spent on block: If time spent on block → is greater than / equals to / is less than → value (in seconds)
Tester agreed: If the tester agreed with the terms
Tester skipped: If the tester skipped the terms
Context Screen
You can direct the tester to a specific block depending on actions taken by the tester on the Context Screen block.
Context Screen conditions options:
Tester visited current block: If the tester visited current block
Time spent on block: If time spent on block → is greater than / equals to / is less than → value (in seconds)
Card Sorting
You can direct the tester to a specific block depending on actions taken by the tester on the Card Sorting block.
Card Sorting conditions options:
Tester visited current block: If the tester visited current block
Time spent on block: If time spent on block → is greater than / equals to / is less than → value (in seconds)
Tester completed the card sorting
Tester skipped the card sorting
Category -> {list of categories} → contains card / does no contain → {list of cards}
(applies only on closed card sorting)
Preference Test
You can direct the tester to a specific block depending on actions taken by the tester on the Preference Test block.
Preference Test conditions options:
Tester visited current block: If the tester visited current block
Time spent on block: If time spent on block → is greater than / equals to / is less than → value (in seconds)
Selected option → is / is not → {list of available options}
Tree Test
You can direct the tester to a specific block depending on actions taken by the tester on the Tree Test block.
Tree Test conditions options:
Tester visited current block: If the tester visited current block
Time spent on block: If time spent on block → is greater than / equals to / is less than → value (in seconds)
Destination → is / is not → {list of possible destinations}
First click → is / is not → {list of possible sources}
You can direct the tester to a specific block depending on actions taken by the tester on the Questions block.
Questions conditions options:
Tester visited current block: If the tester visited current block
Tester answered specific question
Tester skipped specific question.
Time spent on block: If time spent on block → is greater than / equals to / is less than → value (in seconds)
Question → {list of questions} → {comparison - differs based on questions type} → {value - differs based on questions type}
You can direct the tester to a specific block depending on actions taken by the tester on the Yes/No block.
Yes/No conditions options:
Tester visited current block: If the tester visited current block
Tester skipped block
Time spent on block: If time spent on block → is greater than / equals to / is less than → value (in seconds)
Answer is → Yes / No
Single Task
You can direct the tester to a specific block depending on actions taken by the tester on the Single Task block.
Single Task conditions options:
Tester visited current block: If the tester visited current block
Time spent on block: If time spent on block → is greater than / equals to / is less than → value (in seconds)
Task → Completed / Skipped
Task → Completed by → {list of completions} → direct* / indirect** / any
Clicks outside of hotspots → is greater than / equals to / is less than → value
*Direct: The tester took the path you set to complete the task
**Indirect: The tester took a different path than the one you set to complete the task
5 Second test
You can direct the tester to a specific block depending on actions taken by the tester on the 5 Second test block.
5 Second test conditions options:
Tester visited current block: If the tester visited current block
First click
You can direct the tester to a specific block depending on actions taken by the tester on the First click block.
First click conditions options:
Tester visited current block: If the tester visited current block
Tester misclicked: If the tester clicked outside of hotspot
Time spent on block: If time spent on block → is greater than / equals to / is less than → value (in seconds)
Open Analytics
You can direct the tester to a specific block depending on actions taken by the tester on the Open Analytics block.
Open Analytics conditions options:
Tester visited current block: If the tester visited current block
Time spent on block: If time spent on block → is greater than / equals to / is less than → value (in seconds)
Screens visited → is greater than / equals to / is less than → value
How many screens of your prototype the tester visitedTotal clicks → on hotspot / outside of hotspot → is greater than / equals to / is less than → value
How many clicks on hotspots or outside of hotspots the tester done
You can direct the tester to a specific block depending on actions taken by the tester on the SUS block.
SUS conditions options are the same as questions conditions options.
You can direct the tester to a specific block depending on actions taken by the tester on the Demographics block.
Demographics options are the same as Questions conditions options.