When enabling logic jumps on a block you will notice that there is a tester visited current block option when adding conditions.
Let's take an example of a simple block structure.
Yes / No block
Single Task block with a prototype A
Single Task block with a prototype B
Thank you block
You want to drive the tester to the Single task block with prototype A if the answer is Yes on the Yes/No block, and after that block, you want to drive the tester to the Thank you block and end the test.
Also, you want to drive another tester to the Single task block with prototype B if the answer is No on the Yes/No block, and after that block, you want to drive the tester to the Thank you block and end the test.
You have to add logic jumps on the Yes/No Block:
If answer is Yes then jump to Single task block with a prototype A
If answer is No then jump to Single task block with a prototype B
If you stop there, we have a conflict because the user who will jump to prototype A and finish the current block will then visit the Single task block with prototype B as this is the next route for the tester.
So, to overcome this, you have to add one more logic jump on the Single task block with prototype A:
If tester visited current block then jump to Thank you.