Create an outbound experience
10 articles
Getting started: what is an asset?Learn more about outbound experiences and their assets
Getting started: Outreach experienceLearn how to create an outreach experience using an email banner asset and a personalised landing page
Getting started: Website experiencesLearn how to create personalised outbound experiences
Getting started: Linkedin Ad experienceLearn how to create an outreach experience using an Linkedin Ad asset and a personalised landing page
Getting started: editing your assetsHow to edit your outbound assets using Userled builder tool
Getting started: distribute your assetsLearn how to distribute your assets once your outbound experience has been generated
Getting started: monitor your experienceLearn how the analytics of your outbound experience
How do I add IFrame Embed to my experienceThe different methods for adding an iframe into your Experiences
Embed custom scripts via iframeAdd custom code to your experiences for custom experiences
Custom code in head and body tagsAdd custom code and scripts that apply to your landing pages.