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Forcepoint ONE Configuration Guide
Updated over 6 months ago

Step by Step Instructions

  1. App Info

Complete the dialogues as shown above. These details don’t impact the function of the app and can be set up as you see fit.

2. API Credentials:

API Credentials:

In the Params you have to enter the below value:

Use the details above to populate the dialogues. Include the username and password from your Forcepoint ONE configuration.

3. API Configuration:

In the Params you have to enter the below values:

4. Mapping:

Raw Log Data:

Fields Mapping:

Use the table above as a guide - the left hand side is the new log data, and the right hand side represents which USM key to drag it onto. Use the search bars above both sides to find the exact matches. Once finished, click “next”.

5. Summary Fields:

Select which fields you would like in the summary. See above as an example. This step is completely at your discretion and doesn’t impact app operations. All log details will be available in “Event Details”.

6. API Response:

7. Preview:

"Save and Close" to finalize app.

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