Release Notes โ USMA R317 | Aug 2024
New Elements
AR-11155 | New Rule: NIDS Rule for ServiceNow Vulnerabilities
AR-11145 | New Rule: Detect RemoteKrbRelay Execution
AR-11139 | New Rule: CVE-2024-29510 - Ghostcript Library Exploit Detection
AR-11136 | New Rule: PaloAltoRCEAttemptCommonBinaries
AR-11135 | New Rule: FortigateRCEAttemptCommonBinaries
AR-11114 | New Rule: Enumeration Against GCP Resources
AR-11083 | New Rule: MEDUSA/SEAELF Rootkit Detection
AR-11082 | New Rule: RIFLESPINE Rootkit Detection
AR-7877 | New Plugin: ForcePoint Email Security Cloud
AR-7427 | New Plugin: NetXplorer
AR-11172 | Plugin Improvement: Improved Parsing - Method "Possible Misconfigured Kubernetes Deployment"
AR-11160 | Plugin Improvement: MDATP - Additional Parsing Request
AR-11158 | Plugin Improvement: Vectra AI
AR-11157 | Rule Improvement: User Logged In From Multiple Countries - Add Trust Type (Custom field 10) and Source Workstation to Correlation Rules
AR-11146 | Plugin Improvement: Palo Alto - Update to Parse Email Information
AR-11144 | Rule Improvement: Fake Browser Updates Lead to BOINC Volunteer Computing Software
AR-11143 | Plugin Improvement: Parse Event_Description for Meraki AUTER Events
AR-11013 | Rule Improvement: VMWare API Repeated Failed Access Attempts to Alert Bruteforcing
AR-11004 | Rule Improvement: Add Ability to Detect Renamed AWS Windows Binary
AR-10865 | Rule Improvement: Add Suspicious Path \Public\Audio\ to Suspicious Execution Correlation Rules
AR-10414 | Plugin Improvement: Azure Subscription Logs Collected via Eventhubs Parsed as Generic Events
AR-11185 | Rule Improvement: UEBAAnomalousOkta is Noisy
AR-11177 | Plugin Improvement: Palo Alto PAN-OS - Parse "Subcategory" Field
AR-11142 | Plugin Improvement: Cisco Umbrella DLP - Event Names Should Include Event Type (SaaS API and Real Time)
AR-11141 | Plugin Improvement: MDATP - Email Sender and Email Recipient Information are Not Correct
AR-11140 | Plugin Improvement: Watchguard Firebox
AR-11132 | Plugin Improvement: Microsoft Defender ATP Incidents
AR-11131 | Plugin improvement: AzureAD Sign-in Activity
AR-11039 | Plugin Improvement: Linux
AR-10881 | Rule Improvement: CiscoMerakiCloud-IDS-Alert
AR-10466 | Plugin Improvement: Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection - Incorrect "TIME CREATED" Parsing
AR-9394 | Plugin Improvement: Fortinet FortiGate - Parsing Events with Incorrect Time Stamps
AR-7672 | Plugin Improvement: Parsing for Akamai ETP