How to access the documents page?
There are two ways of reaching the documents page:
1) From the tender overview
Click "documents" in the tender overview. You will be redirected to the documents page.
2) From within a request
Click the documents icon in the top right of your request. You will be redirected to the documents page.
How to upload documents and choose a location?
On the documents page, you can see both your own documents (as a buyer) as well as all documents uploaded by suppliers. As a buyer, you can upload one or multiple documents by following the following steps:
1) Click "upload document" in the top right
On the documents page, click "upload document in the top right"
2) Choose location
Valcori allows you to choose the location of your document. If you choose "all requests", it will be visible to any supplier who has been invited to any of your requests in this tender.
If you choose a specific request (e.g. "Round 1: Request for information (RfI)"), only suppliers invited to this specific request will have access. We advise to upload documents in specific requests in case not all suppliers are invited to all rounds.
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