Forgot login data
Marko Selakovic avatar
Written by Marko Selakovic
Updated over a week ago

If you forgot the email address that you used for Veli, you could try the following steps:

  1. Check your email accounts
    Could you check the email accounts you regularly use to see if the email address for the service is associated with any of them?

  2. Check your SSO accounts.
    Check your SSO accounts, such as Google, Apple, Microsoft or Facebook, to see if the email address for Veli is associated with any of them.

  3. Use a password manager.
    To avoid forgetting your email address for service in the future, you can use a password manager to securely store your login information and access it easily when needed.

  4. Contact Veli
    If you can't find the service's email address, please contact Veli and provide any information you have, such as your name and other details, to help them locate your account. So that you know, we will never ask you to send cryptocurrencies to someone (including us).


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