How to sell strategies?
Written by Pavle Perovic
Updated over a week ago

Watch our video to see the entire process:

Read our step-by-step instructions on how to sell strategies on Veli below.

1. Open the Veli app on your phone device. In the portfolio tab, press 'Show List' to view the assets you are holding.

2. Select the strategy that you want to sell.

3. Now press the “Trade” button.

4. We want to sell, so press the “Sell” button.

5. Then enter the amount that you wish to sell. For this example we will be selling 70 units of strategy.

Before selling, you need to confirm that you accept the terms and conditions.

When you are ready to continue, press the “Sell” button.

6. Here you can see the transaction details. To confirm the transaction press the “Confirm trade” button.

This action is final and cannot be reversed.

7. The system will confirm that your transaction has been successfully processed. Press the “Ok” button.

8. Your EUR will now be shown in the portfolio tab.

And that's it! You have now successfully sold the strategy.

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