Updating Verses
Written by Vlad Avesalon
Updated over a week ago

In this article, you will learn how to update existing verses.

  1. Go to the BUILD page and find the Verse section.

  2. Click the Verse that you would like to update.

  3. After selecting the verse, find and click the Settings icon.

  4. You will be directed to the selected verse’s Settings page. On this page, you can update the following:

    1. Options: This tab lets you update the Profile Image, Title, and Details.

    2. Rewards: this is currently unavailable.

    3. Map: this is currently unavailable.

    4. Share: the Share option enables you to add verse collaborators, make the verse public, copy the link to the verse, and download the verse QR Code.

The system will automatically apply and save any changes as you update the verse.

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