Managing your Verses
Written by Vlad Avesalon
Updated over a week ago

Creating a Verse

After logging in to your Vennity Studio account, you will be directed to the BUILD screen by default. Find the Verse section and click the + New Verse button.

A new Verse will be created. Specify the required details:

  • Title*

  • Details*

  • Start Date

  • End Date

Note: Before creating the verse, you can also update the Banner image. But for this demo, we will skip it and proceed to the creation of the verse.

After specifying the Verse information, click the Create button.

A Confirmation dialog box will appear, select the I have the rights to publish the artwork associated and understand that it will be minted on the Polygon network. checkbox and click the Yes, create it! button

Sharing the Verse

After the creation of the verse, a Confirmation dialog box will appear, click the Share it! button to share the newly created verse.

The Share screen offers three (3) ways of sharing the verse:

  • Making the verse public using the Public Toggle

  • Sharing the verse using the Verse Page Link

  • Downloading the verse QR code

Build/Create an NFT in a Verse

After logging in to your Vennity Studio account, you will be directed to the BUILD screen by default.

In the Verse section, find and click the Verse where you want to build the NFT. Once the selected verse opens, click its + New Item button.

A newly created NFT opens with the Options tab enabled. Add the NFT image by clicking the Select Image button and uploading the file.

To set the NFT color, select the preferred color from the Colors section or enter the color code in the field.

Specify the NFT details:

  • Title*

  • Description*

  • Number of Copies*

  • Auto Release?

  • Passcode

  • Refresh Code

  • Price

  • Donations

After specifying the NFT details, you can start managing the following tabs:

  • Questions

  • Attributes

  • Locations

Review the updated NFT details and configuration and click the Mint button to mint the NFT.

A Confirmation dialog box will appear, select the I have the rights to publish this artwork and understand that it will be minted on the Polygon network. checkbox and click the Yes, create it! button to continue

Adding Collaborators

Method 1: Adding Collaborators Using the Settings Menu

After logging in to your Vennity Studio account, you will be directed to the BUILD screen by default.

In the Verse section, find and click the Verse where the NFT was built.

Click the Settings icon to access the verse’s settings.

Click the Share button to open the sharing options.

Find and click the first drop-down arrow to select the verse collaborators.

Method 2: Adding Collaborators Using the Creator Button

After logging in to your Vennity Studio account, you will be directed to the BUILD screen by default.

In the Verse section, find and click the Verse where the NFT was built.

Find and click the Creators button to access the Creators window.

Click the drop-down arrow and select the user that you would like to add as a creator to the selected verse.

  • Note: you can use User Names, Wallet Addresses, or Emails to search/filter the list.

Click the Add button. The selected user will appear in the Creators list.

  • Note: to remove a user from the Creators list, click the Remove (X) icon beside it.

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