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Why don't I recognise the music in a station?
Why don't I recognise the music in a station?

Frequently Asked Questions

Updated over a week ago

It's a great question!
The answer lies both in how we view Vera as a tool, as well as the information we give it.

Try to think of Vera as a personalised radio; you input someone's music taste and history and then Vera plays that person the songs that it thinks they will recognise and/or like, to maximise stimulation to the brain.

Do you sometimes turn the radio on and hear a song you don't perfectly mesh with? Of course, it happens all the time!

Following that metaphor; Vera has 3 different stations, each with music uniquely catered to them.
If the person in your care doesn't like the first song in one station, jump to the next song! If you think the vibe of that station isn't quite appropriate in that particular care setting, switch to a different station.

It's important to remember as well that Vera is a wellness platform. It's primary goal, in addition to enjoyment, is that it is maximising the stimulation to the brain of the person in your care through the music it plays.

The algorithm is constantly trying to learn - it's trying to find the songs that the listener connects to first and foremost, and then you as the user can filter which songs they enjoyed and didn't like with the "heart" and "remove" buttons.

Finally, the last thing we can do to help Vera play "the right music for their mind" is to give it as much information about their music taste as possible.

Make sure to really deep dive into the music they like, with questions such as:

- Which artists did they listen to growing up?

- Which artist did they always hope would play next on the radio?

- Who have they seen perform live in the past?

- Who wrote their favourite song?

- What's a song that reminds them of a loved one?

- What is the music that reminds you of them?

If you're finding Vera's music isn't hitting the mark, head to the Music Preferences screen in-app, and ensure you have at least 5 favourite artists selected, and 1 favourite genre.

Then, go through the Vera music stations one at a time, refresh them, and then play them with the listener to gauge their reaction. Make sure to "heart" and "remove" songs as they play, so that the Vera algorithm has as much information to work with as possible in future, then refresh the music stations again.

At the end of the day, the beauty of Vera is that if there's ever a song that someone doesn't like you can simply remove it and you'll never see it again - a luxury that we all wished oldschool radio had!

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